Garden of Eden Urban Farming
Thanks for visiting from PartnerCafé. We work with the Café team to identify potential operators to bring the economic and nutritional benefits of indoor gardening to communities.
Promoting better diet, nutrition and economies for families and communities.


  • We work with local affiliates to create training programs for technicians, managers and entrepreneurs with hands-on and classroom experience in soil-free gardening.
  • We expose growers and students to a wide range of crops, equipment and media.
  • We explore how to make crop choices based on market research.
  • We encourage and support multiple methods of hydroponic cultivation; we do not focus on specific methodologies or advocate for particular products.
  • ¡Se habla español! Anticipamos que revisiones de los servicios educativos de este programa estarán disponible en español comenzando desde mayo de 2024.
  • Learn More

Project Development

  • We develop urban vertical gardening projects in cooperation with non-profits, churches, schools and small businesses.
  • We develop new economic engines in disadvantaged communities.
  • We provide guidance regarding capital formation, equipment, logistics, training, production, distribution and management skills. Each local producer provides space, personnel and local transportation and networking, with emphasis on microgreens.
  • We strive to build awareness and acceptance of healthy diets and local production.


We are motivated by social issues stemming from the challenges of so-called urban food deserts, consisting of communities that are poorly served by the 20th Century model of food distribution and marketing system with its vicious circle of decreasing nutrition and economic decline. Many of these issues can be addressed, at least in part, by replacing industrial farming, long-distance transportation, and expensive storage with more eco-friendly, sustainable models that keep the food fresh and the money local. (Another Take)


Focused Applications

graphical flyer, invitation to event 17 November 2023 in Lacy, Washington.
Wondering why YOU should care?
In case you are wondering why we are concerned about the relationship between food and community, you may find the article linked below instructive. The authors connect the dots between industrial farming and both economic and physical health.... Continues...