Garden of Eden Urban Farming
Benefits, updates...
Member Participation
We're pleased to invite colleagues to participate in our site. We're developing a membership feature to make this possible and convenient. Venues will include personal profiles, a social network — with no third-party tracking, especially if you choose a secure browser — along with other features like a discussion forum and a business directory. Stay tuned! UPDATE
UPDATE: Membership is now available. At this time new members must be approved by the administrator while we run a beta test. Interested? Use the Contact form to request access. Please note that advertising of any kind is prohibited.

Miscellaneous Comments

Recent comments from the Forum and other sections.

GOE Administrator - Nov 24, 2024, 4:32 PM
GOE Urban Farming offers a conversational approach and a tested business... [LINK]
GOE Administrator - Nov 24, 2024, 4:19 PM
GOEUF cannot offer legal advice. Procedures for legal entities and farming...
rees - May 12, 2022, 3:01 PM
Discuss what works and what does not, from equipment, to vendors, to techniques...
rees - May 12, 2022, 2:40 PM
rees - May 12, 2022, 2:26 PM


Membership is open to all who share an interest in urban indoor farming. We welcome present and former students, staff, volunteers and customers. We especially invite participation by persons and organizations who already operate personal or small-business gardens, whether for-profit or non-profit. Knowledge is power!

Members may
  • post Updates like those on this page on their personal profiles
  • participate in the Forum
  • receive priority in fulfillment of orders

We may soon be able to expand membership to distributors, retailers and others.

Ask your GOE representative how to register. Only the administrator can activate your membership and notify you. We regret the short delay, but sadly we must control for spam.

Thank you for your interest.


Profile Updates

The following comments have been added by members to their own profiles, to discussion forums, and/or to individual pages around the site.
Rees Clark 29-Sep-2024
Efforts to create non-fossil-fuel plastics in hopes they will avoid polluting aspects may not be successful, a study reports.
GOE Administrator 09-Jun-2024
Sustainability ideas from the Web.
GOE Administrator 08-May-2024
We're building our FAQ; contributions and suggestions are welcome.
GOE Administrator 15-Sep-2023
Solar Punk in Burien let us meet many new friends from South Puget Sound. We hope to generate new cooperative projects with several.
Rees Clark 15-Sep-2023
New programs for homeless offer training and reengagement opportunities through urban farming. Ask us how using our contact form.!
Rees Clark 11-Sep-2023
Hint from Smith Bros.: Mellow, versatile baby spinach is nutritious raw or cooked. Add to omelets, salads, pasta, quiche, casseroles, and pizza. Sneak in extra veggies by stirring puréed baby spinach into sauces, dips, and even chili!
GOE Administrator 04-Aug-2023
Catch us at Solar Punk Festival in Burien, WA, Aug 12 '23.
Rees Clark 12-Jan-2023
Great meeting yesterday with faculty, students of Highline HS in Burien, WA.
Rees Clark 12-Jan-2023
Some herbs you can grow with water only. Credit: LInda Parker, Glenda Swinford

Michael E. Twiggs 06-Jul-2022
Opinions on the use and benefits abound on the Internet, but the science to backup what is stated is much harder to find. Until now...
Rees Clark 03-Jul-2022
Wondering why we do this? Start here...
GOE Administrator 02-Jul-2022
Delivered approx. 100 boxes of microgreens to BIPOC of Greater Seattle in cooperation with Modest Family Solutions.
Michael E. Twiggs 15-Jun-2022
Fresh, affordable food produced on local, Black-owned farms is one solution to the health inequities caused by segregation and racist grocery practices.
Michael E. Twiggs 19-May-2022
Environmental toxins are worsening obesity pandemic, say scientists.
Chemical pollution in the environment is supersizing the global obesity epidemic, according to a major scientific review.
Rees Clark 10-May-2022
Executives find sustainability at all levels of business organization essential; no surprise at GOEUF; it's part of our mantra.
Rees Clark 06-Apr-2022
Kale & chard & collards at our Tukwila (IFC) project.

Rees Clark 08-Mar-2022
GOEUF is developing a program for incarcerated persons called Inside-Outside: An Innovative Approach to Recidivism. Interested? Contact us.
Rees Clark 07-Jan-2022
SCC-IFC winter and spring 2022 classes begin soon in Tukwilla. Follow the link for more info.
Rees Clark 04-Oct-2021
Our co-op class with Indoor Farming Collaborative and Seattle Central College held its first session Saturday.
Michael E. Twiggs 24-Jun-2021
Is the food system racist? Urban farmer Karen Washington coined the phrase ‘food apartheid’. Now the Bronx-based activist says a shift of power is urgent.
Michael E. Twiggs 25-May-2021
We're taking microgreen and herb production to a whole new level. The commercial Urban Cultivator makes it possible to grow healthy, nutritious greens all year round.

Rees Clark 18-Feb-2021
We're working with a local school district to implement an indoor gardening curriculum featuring microgreens and varied leafy greens, too.

Rees Clark 28-Oct-2020
Make your own fertilizer and cut your heat bill at the same time! If you have about 50 sq ft (4.6m^2) in your back yard you can build your own biodigester.

Rees Clark 03-Jun-2020
Herbs are delicious, versatile and prime for long-term preservation. Here (Wa. Post) are some ideas to use the bounty.
Rees Clark 05-Apr-2020
National Library of Medicine report on microgreens.
Rees Clark 18-Aug-2019
A British take on alternative food supplies. After The Guardian.

Michael E. Twiggs 08-Jun-2019
University of Maryland researchers observed that the microgreens contained four to 40 times more nutrients than their mature counterparts. They've been widely quoted.
Rees Clark 03-May-2019
Interesting project in Burkina Faso, West Africa produces chickens, fish, greens and more (overview in French).

Rees Clark 11-Apr-2019
Dr. Axe's take on microgreens.

Michael E. Twiggs 21-Mar-2019
Microgreens: Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts
Turns out microgreens are not just a plain good-for-you food or a healthy garnish on salads and soups.

Michael E. Twiggs 21-Mar-2019
Here's an interesting take on hydroponics vs. "organic" gardening. Seems there's really not much meaningful difference in taste, nutrition, etc.

Michael E. Twiggs 29-Jan-2019
Simply spectacular! Garden of Eden Urban Farming grows fresh, collard greens locally,
indoors, all year round.
Rees Clark 09-Dec-2018
New York Times article on cruciferous vegetables.
Rees Clark 09-Dec-2018
WebMD on microgreens
Rees Clark 09-Dec-2018
Slate article on microgreens
Michael E. Twiggs 06-Dec-2017
The Garden of Eden continues to grow herbs, fruit and vegetables in The Atrium @ Tacoma Urban League. Join us for a tasty learning experience - "From Seed To Table."

Michael E. Twiggs 07-Nov-2017
Tacoma Urban League hosts our demonstration garden at its headquarters. We're growing, lettuce, arugula, collards and other crops in rotation with the help of local student interns.

Rees Clark 14-Feb-2017
Interesting view of nine urban vertical farming efforts.
Rees Clark 19-Dec-2015
Yippee! Member update photos are working.

Michael E. Twiggs 19-May-2015
I really should post a daily update, or perhaps a nearly daily update!
Rees Clark 19-May-2015
Yum, strawberries!
Rees Clark 14-May-2014
Step Two of test.
Rees Clark 14-May-2014
Testing group membership. Step One.
Team Internet 16-Mar-2014
Installing new staff profiles. Tweaking member - nonmember permissions. Awaiting new staff mugshots with 'bated breath.