Garden of Eden Urban Farming
GOE Toolbox • Part Two
Before you continue

Preparation, investment, commitment
If you're looking for a fun hobby, this is not the right place. We find that the minimum investment you should be prepared to make is ten hours per week and $10,000. That will potentially produce monthly revenue of about $2,000 and monthly net income of about $1,200 to $1,500 (USD).The investment breakdown is approximately
Item | Amount |
Training, consultation | $2,000 |
Buildout | $3,000 |
Tools & supplies | $1,000 |
Capital equipment | $4,000 |
Operating reserve | $2,000 |
Total* | $12,000 |
* Assumes all labor by owner-operator and no rent. Startup outlay can be reduced by alternate financing.
If you're still looking for a fun hobby or to start truly from scratch, you might wish to go here.
Why work with GOE Urban Farming?
Consider the following partial list factors you should consider before launching your business. As part of our startup consultation, you will receive a much more specific and comprehensive planning worksheet that will help you avoid costly mistakes and restarts.
The worksheet has scores of questions and variables, something between 50 & 100, depending on the goals, market, crops, investment & hard work.
Do the math; the number of interactions among 100 variables is (n2 - n) ÷ 2 or 4,950, which is equal to the number of possible configurations for your farm.
We will work with you to evaluate the many decisions you should make before you cast your first seed.
The first half hour is free.
The worksheet has scores of questions and variables, something between 50 & 100, depending on the goals, market, crops, investment & hard work.
Do the math; the number of interactions among 100 variables is (n2 - n) ÷ 2 or 4,950, which is equal to the number of possible configurations for your farm.
We will work with you to evaluate the many decisions you should make before you cast your first seed.
The first half hour is free.
Factors & assumptions
# Racks, goal or potential,
Racks, # initial,
Modality, technology,
Labor rate min.,
Weeks worked/year,
Crop success,
Training site,
Owner-operator (hrs/wk/@),
Investor(s), share, investment,
Investment $,
Ownership %,
Distribution/yr $; ROI %,
Owner-operator net income.
Key Questions
At what stage is the market in your service area? E.g., non-existent, developing, mature.
Should you be fully invested or highly leveraged?
What have you forgotten? (That's right, you don't know.)
Preparation, startup
GOE consult, training Hrs@$,
IT consult, implement, Hrs@$,
Professional services,
Containment, N,
Site buildout/improvement,
Electrical & comms.
HVAC, ventilation,
Secure storage & equipment,
Telecomm, security,
Buy, lease/mortgage buildout?
Buy, lease/mortgage buildout?
Intial cost,
Down payment
Lease principal, buildout
Monthly rate, term
Microgreens equipment
Principal system(s),
Cultivation tools,
Trays @, extended,
Total garden equipment,
Buy, lease/mortg. equip't?
Buy, lease/mortg. equip't?
Initial cost, Down payment, Principal, Market rate, term, vendor option/unit, monthly payments
Operating reserve
Seeds & media,
Professional services,
Startup summary cost,
Professional services,
µG Equipment,
Mixed Equipment,
Operating Reserve,
Shipping, assembly,
Mixed vegetable option
Principal system(s),
Cultivation tools,
Ancillary, contingency,
Total garden equipment,
Buy, lease/mortg equip't?,
Buy, lease/mortg equip't?,
Initial cost, Down payment, principal,
Market rate, term, monthly,
Vendor option,
Monthly payments,
Total leases.
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Still interested?
Ask your representative for access to more detailed information. Serious gardeners only, please. 😃 Actually, gardening with us can be fun, we just have to concentrate on those prepared to invest time & money in their own success.
Confidential business information; not for general distribution or use by unauthorized persons; violators will be prosecuted and deprived of microgreens, being thus condemned to a slow, agonizing decline due to nutritional deficiency..
© 2025 GOE Urban Farming Inc